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Monument for the drowned villages of Zeeland
9,40 x 3 m | stainless steel, acrylate, silkscreened photographs, speakers, sound, light, stone staircase with sand-blasted texts
Noord-Beveland, 2009
more info: SCEZ

Hebban Olla Vogula Nestas Higunan Hebban Olla Vogula Nestas Higunan
Installation at the Town library, Zutphen 2003
commissioned by the City of Zutphen
Tippelzone, Red Light District Tippelzone, Red Light District
keileweg, Rotterdam 2002
Light installation plus 4x5m painting,
commissioned by the City of Rotterdam
Van IJ tot Zee Van IJ tot Zee
installation at 'Het stenen hoofd', 2001
artroute: 125 years Noordzeekanaal, Amsterdam, Holland
Zeeuws archief, Middelburg Zeeuws archief, Middelburg
Middelburg 2000
routing through 2 buildings,
commissioned by the Rijksbouwmeester
Videowall 'De blauwe Woestijn' Videowall 'De blauwe Woestijn'
16 monitors, variable loops
Technische Universiteit Twente
Enschede, 1999
240 x 320 m
Videowall 'De blauwe Woestijn' Almere (commission)
1-3, 1998
cibachrome photographs | 90 x 110 cm
De Paviljoens, Almere, Holland
Wall along incinerator factory Wall along incinerator factory
Rotterdam 1996
material: silkscreened roses on red acrylate
260 x 3 m
  © 2021 Lydia Schouten
webdesign Arjan Kappers