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Monument for the drowned villages of Zeeland
9,40 x 3 m | stainless steel, acrylate, silkscreened photographs, speakers, sound, light, stone staircase with sand-blasted texts Noord-Beveland, 2009
more info: SCEZ
Hebban Olla Vogula Nestas Higunan
Installation at the Town library, Zutphen 2003
commissioned by the City of Zutphen |
Tippelzone, Red Light District
keileweg, Rotterdam 2002
Light installation plus 4x5m painting,
commissioned by the City of Rotterdam |
Van IJ tot Zee
installation at 'Het stenen hoofd', 2001
artroute: 125 years Noordzeekanaal, Amsterdam, Holland |
Zeeuws archief, Middelburg
Middelburg 2000
routing through 2 buildings,
commissioned by the Rijksbouwmeester |
Videowall 'De blauwe Woestijn'
16 monitors, variable loops
Technische Universiteit Twente
Enschede, 1999
240 x 320 m |
Almere (commission)
1-3, 1998
cibachrome photographs | 90 x 110 cm
De Paviljoens, Almere, Holland |
Wall along incinerator factory
Rotterdam 1996
material: silkscreened roses on red acrylate
260 x 3 m |
© 2021 Lydia Schouten |
webdesign Arjan Kappers